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Freitag, 21. Januar 2011

global warming is flawed. CO2 lagged 800 to 2000 years behind the warming

Von lovegirlugg, 02:33
Melting snows are not evidence of global warming
2. The co-relation of CO2 levels in ice samples and global warming is flawed. CO2 lagged 800 to 2000 years behind the warming.
3. Hurricane Katrina had no possible relationship to global warming
4. Drying up of Lake Chad was not related to global warming
5. Polar bears are not drowned because of global warming (a violent storm caused 4 to die)
6. The warming of the gulf stream will not produce an ice age in Europe
7. Coral reef losses and killing of species on them are not due to global warming
8. Greenland is not in eminent danger of flooding due to ice melt
9. Antarctica ice covering is not shrinking. Evidence shows it increasing.
10. Sea levels are not expected to rise over 20 ft in the next 800 years but rather possibly 16 inches
11. Evacuation of the South Sea islanders to New Zealand was not caused by sea level rises

Stay with me and I can show you scientific facts that clearly refute the notion that hydrocarbon fuels...coal, oil, gas...cause global warming.

A firestorm of controversy arose and the United States was shamefully accused of selfish interests when they did not sign the Kyoto Accord. Actually, both the U.S. and Australia were the most significant countries to refuse signing the Accord. Enormous polluters like China and emerging countries were exempted from compliance until they "catch up" with productions.people outfit fashional apparel and cardy uggs. Possibly even some you are able to make various hairstyle. Thus in my opinion uggs bailey link triplet isn’t just fit with to acquire younger people, the old people will just place on in their own style including demonstrate to their particular ways
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It is interesting that arguably the greatest polluter on earth is China. It is so bad there that recently a marathoner died and several other runners were hospitalized due to the toxic pollution. Some long distance runners refused to participate in the 2008 Olympics held in China.

What was the Kyoto Accord? It was basically a meeting of world leaders of whom the majority signed an agreement in Japan. The accord said we should limit, reduce, tax and control the use of hydrocarbons worldwide...due to global warming.

The information furnished to leaders was greatly flawed and should be considered "junk science", totally without scientific facts or truth. The discussion and the real reason of warming and cooling of the earth were not even allowed at the conference.

Here are some quotes from International authorities on the subject:

1. Professor Richard Lindzen, Dept. of Meteorology, M.I.T. says the global warming movement is really about getting money. "Funding of from 170 million to 2 billion (2000 million) for climate and climate related issues." (has occurred) Other scientists believe it is purely political…in order to get funding…a lot of jobs now depend upon the global warming myth.

2. "Anyone who goes around and says that CO2 is responsible for most of the global warming in the 20th century has not looked at the basic numbers."…Professor Patrick Michaels, Dept. of Environment Sciences, University of Virginia.

3. "Polar ice caps are always expanding and contracting"…Professor Syun-Ichi-Akasofu…Director of International Arctic Research Center. Gore published data on Arctic ice melt. Since the time Gore reported polar ice shrinkage, the polar caps have recovered the lost ice and then some.